Sunday, December 30, 2007

On the Ground... Day 1

Today was a great day of canvassing for Hillary Clinton.  We knocked on a lot of doors, with Team Maryland covering about 12 precincts.  Great work... I think everyone would agree that it was a positive and energizing day of campaigning.  I know that a majority of the folks Maggie and I spoke with were strong Hillary supporters, many of whom will be caucusing for the first time in their lives.  One thing that surprised us was the number of older men who really understood the significance of this election and wanted to be a part of electing our first woman president.

I would like to thank the Hillary campaign staff at HQ for making us feel so welcome and for being so well organized.  You all are doing a fantastic job.  The mock caucus definitely was a helpful experience... now we all know what we'll be facing on Caucus night as we try to round up those who want to stand with Hillary and be counted.  I have a feeling it will be a truly memorable experience.

On a purely fun note, we also met at a great pub called the Irish Democrat for dinner...  The hospitality was great, the food was wonderful, and you couldn't beat the atmosphere... or the name.  If O'Malley's March had to take a break, where else would be more appropriate than the Irish Democrat!?

What a great day.  I'm looking forward to another great day tomorrow!

It's morning in the heartland, and Team Maryland is ready to join Team Iowa to help Hillary Clinton with her march to the White House. I hope the entire team made it here in one piece, especially those traveling by van! 

When I told folks back home that I was going to Iowa to help Hillary, they said I was a political junkie who ought to go to rehab instead.  But I said no, no, no... I have to go be a part of history! 

I met some of our team last night over some tasty food & beverages.  Can't wait to meet the rest of O'Malley's March on Iowa today.  See you all over at HQ!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

O'Malley's March on Iowa has begun!

Hello from Iowa.

Almost 40 Marylanders will be arriving in Cedar Rapids Iowa today and another 10 later this week to begin work for Hillary Clinton. The weather is cold, but the spirits are warms.

Had a great morning at Hillary's HQ this morning. It is great to see so many people of so many ages involved. Terry McAuliffe and a local congressman stopped by to cheer on the troops.

So I always complained when Linda sent me out door to door in 100 degree weather-now I will test my metal in 15 degree temperatures.

All the best and send us warm thoughts.
